Friday 2 May 2008

The counting game

The count. Not much joy abounds as it become obvious that Labour could well have lost 3 seats.

Watching as the ballot papers in St James are first verified and then counted is a rollercoaster ride. Some basic sampling reveals that the result could be quite close – various bundles of 25 give conflicting pictures. Sometimes the majority seem to favour me, other bundles show the Lib Dems ahead, one or 2 even show a majority for the Green. Even the Tories have a look in from student areas. Not many UKIP though. At one stage I estimate it could be down to 50 votes, but Eddie isn’t convinced.

One of my candidates arrives in the hall with a drink (can't really say anything, as Philip Bostock - the Returning Officer - has just walked by and said nothing) and can't quite work out with table she's looking at St James or St Davids. She exclaims to her friens, "I'm not sure what's happening..I'm terribly confused"

However as the bundle stack up a quick estimate gives me around 380 (close the same number as polled by Catherine Dawson last year) whilst the Lib Dem number is significantly down. The majority is around 150, giving something like a 3.8% swing to Labour. When viewing the nationwide results later, this appears impressive.

Best moment of the day is when Philip Bostock takes to the stage to announce the result. I'm standing by the St James table with Peter Edwards. When Philip reads out "Bull, Paul David 384 votes", Pete lets out an almighty cheer - so much so to confuse the press pack who are spinning around trying to work out what's happened, is it a major upset in St James? They look like startled rabbits caught in the headlights.

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