Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Is listening best?

Have spent the past weeks of my election campaign with the pledge "to listen...to consult...to act...and to report back", I was annoyed to read the article "Listening' politicians are a menace" by David Aaronovitch.

He heard the Prime Minister on Sunday telling Andrew Marr: “I am listening to what people have said; I have heard what people have said,” and Aaronovitch thought “Oh bugger.” And this is why. He feels that "If a politician does what I want and not what is best, that is not what I pay my taxes for"

But who says that listening equates to submission to the electors point-of -view? David Aaronovitch seems to think so. He thinks that "a 'listening' politician is one who decides that discretion is the better part of valour" but that isn't the case. By listening I am hearing the views of the electorate (they are the ones who do, or do not, put me into power). And then I can act in their best interest on those concerns.

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